Project: Aramark State Prison Mailing
Objective: Pique interest in this prison food service in advance of a sales call.
Solution: With only 50 perspective recipients, a clutter-clearing dimensional mailer was within our budget, but because our targets were public officials, nothing of value (payola) could be sent. Instead, we posed a compelling question on the cover: “How Do You Divide Four Apples Among Five Hungry Inmates?” We answered the question inside the box. A jar of applesauce is the kind of simple, inventive approach that the state prisons can expect from Aramark, and making that point didn’t require an expensive gift. The message was carried through with the inclusion of a tri-fold brochure.

Project: Scholin Printing 636 Postcards
Objective: Generate printing sales leads within the new 636 telephone area code.
Solution: Thousands of companies would have to reprint their materials to change their phone number. To get a foot in the door Scholin offered those companies amusing postcards to notify their customers of the change in their phone number. Printing these custom cards gave Scholin a chance to build a relationship, and be in position to fulfill future needs.

Project: Unisys Federal Credit Union Car Loan Mailing Series
Objective: Create a favorable distinction for auto financing through the credit union.
Solution: While most people like getting a new car, many dread the purchasing process. Giving credit union members tips and tools to “drive home a better deal” made Unisys Federal a trusted partner; and positioned them as a favored candidate for loan financing.

Project: Scholin Brothers Printing Co. Fiftieth Anniversary Party Invitation
Objective: Help convince invitees that this will be one company party that will be fun, and thus build attendance.
Solution: Scholin’s clear Party-In-A-Bag was inserted in a padded envelope. The contents included a miniature champagne glass, noisemaker, balloon, and popper, as well as colorful streamers and the invitation itself. The clear bag looks festive while keeping the party favors from spilling out and annoying recipients.

Project: Unisys Federal Credit Union General Loan Mailing
Objective: Make the annual loan mailing more reader friendly, and generate more inquiries with a simplified response card.
Solution: Send a personalized letter and partially completed reply card. Replace the all-inclusive brochure with inserts so that readers can skip to the loan that interests them and read briefer text.